Saturday, March 29, 2014

Murder In March Madness Day 29

Welcome back to Murder In March Madness. We are fast approaching the end of this event where I highlight a title with the word "murder" or variant in it. There are just three days remaining. Today's title is the 1934 title The Murder Of My Aunt by Richard Hull

The Murder Of My Aunt (1934)
Written by Robert Henry Sampson (1896-973)

Edward is a poor young man who has something in store for his only relative, his wealthy aunt.

The murder seems to be plotted before the reader's eyes. The pompous, loutish pseudo-aesthetic nephew seems to be succeeding. The reader is in on it all. The suspense becomes intense.

Printing History

 Minton, Balch & Company 


Langtail Press Limited

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting title, Scott! And that top cover - priceless!
